Expungement Clinic Richmond, KY
Event Details
Registration opens 3/11. Register at Expungements - Goodwill Kentucky (goodwillky.org).
AppalReD Legal Aid attorneys will be at the Workforce Pathway at Kit Carson Commons to meet one-on-one with participants about their records.
Goodwill is focused on providing legal and financial assistance to participants because of the barriers an individual’s background can have on securing stable employment, housing and other basic needs.
Prior to the in-person clinic, Goodwill will request each person’s unofficial background records from the Administrative Office of the Court for the purpose of expungement. A copy of the participants background will be provided to them as they walk in, so they will be able to go over it with the attorney to determine what is eligible for expungement.
During the time you speak with the attorney one-on-one they will let you know exactly which charges are eligible and not eligible and how they will move forward with you.
Out-of-state charges are not able to be expunged at this time.