Our Team

Administrative Staff
Angeleigh Dorsey

Angeleigh Dorsey is the Executive Director of AppalReD Legal Aid and is based in the Prestonsburg office. Angie can be reached at angied@ardfky.org or 606-889-1984. Her legal aid journey began while still in law school with the program now known as Indiana Legal Services. As a law student intern, she discovered the difference legal assistance can make in the lives of people of limited means when they have access to an attorney. She joined the organization as a staff attorney in her hometown, eventually becoming managing attorney before moving to the mountains of Western North Carolina in Asheville. Prior to joining AppalReD in 2023, Angie served in a variety of leadership roles at Legal Aid of North Carolina in Asheville including starting the first statewide Senior Law Project and Senior Legal Helpline and implementing the launch of the NC Medicaid Ombudsman program. Her practice has focused on public benefits, elder law, and health advocacy programs. She was the 2022 recipient of the North Carolina Bar Association’s Deborah Greenblatt Outstanding Legal Services Attorney award. Angie is a graduate of Indiana University and Indiana University Maurer School of Law in Bloomington, Indiana.
Evan Smith

Evan Smith is the Advocacy Director at AppalReD Legal Aid, and he works in the Prestonsburg office. Evan can be reached at evans@ardfky.org or 606-889-1958. Evan is involved in all types of cases that AppalReD Legal Aid handles. He has particular expertise in appellate advocacy, federal black lung benefits law, and other areas of administrative law. Evan joined AppalReD Legal Aid from Appalachian Citizens’ Law Center where he was a Skadden Fellow. Evan clerked on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit for the Honorable John M. Rogers. Evan is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Law School and received a Master’s in Public Administration from the Fels Institute of Government. Along with his work at AppalReD Legal Aid, Evan actively participates on the boards of Kentucky Lawyers for the Arts, the Floyd County Community Foundation, and Headwaters. Follow him on twitter @evanky.
Barbourville Staff
Melissa Tidwell
Melissa Tidwell is the Directing Attorney at AppalReD Legal Aid’s Barbourville office. She can be reached at melissat@ardfky.org or 606-546-5115 ext. 4105. Melissa has represented clients in all types of cases that AppalReD Legal Aid handles. She spent the first eight years of her time at AppalReD representing survivors of domestic violence and now focuses on consumer, bankruptcy, and public benefits cases. Melissa joined AppalReD after graduating from the University of Kentucky College of Law.
Kirsten Clancy

Kirsten Clancy is a Staff Attorney at AppalReD Legal Aid’s Barbourville office. Kirsten can be reached at kirstenc@ardfky.org or 606-546-5115 ext. 4102. Kirsten has represented clients in all types of cases that AppalReD Legal Aid handles. She is a HUD certified housing counselor. Kirsten is a graduate of UNC School of Law.
Ellen Johnson

Ellen Johnson is a Senior Staff Attorney at AppalReD Legal Aid’s Barbourville office. Ellen can be reached at ellenj@ardfky.org or 606-546-5115 ext. 4108. Ellen has represented clients in all types of cases that AppalReD Legal Aid handles. She has particular expertise in family and domestic violence law. She joined AppalReD Legal Aid after graduating law school. Ellen is a graduate of Morehead State University and Appalachian School of Law. She has previous experience interning at Legal Aid of the Bluegrass while pursuing her law degree.
Jennifer Perkins

Jennifer Perkins is a Staff Attorney at AppalReD Legal Aid’s Barbourville office. Jennifer can be reached at jenniferp@ardfky.org or 606-546-5115 ext. 4107. Jennifer has represented clients in all types of cases that AppalReD Legal Aid handles. She has particular expertise in family law. Jennifer joined AppalReD Legal Aid after a decade of working as a Public Defender. Jennifer graduated with Honors from The Appalachian School of Law, where she was the Senior Articles Editor on the ASL Law Review Board.
James Sasko

James Sasko is a Staff Attorney at AppalReD Legal Aid’s Barbourville office. He can be reached at jamess@ardfky.org or 606-546-5115 ext. 4112. James joined AppalReD to work as an attorney as part of Project Renew, where he works with recovery centers in the region to provide legal services to those in recovery for substance abuse disorders. James graduated from Liberty University School of Law in 2022 and worked briefly as a business and estate planning attorney in Lynchburg, Virginia, before joining AppalReD. James is also a graduate of Eastern Kentucky University where he received a B.A. in History in 2017.
Central Intake Unit Staff
Katie Mullins

Katie Mullins is the Directing Attorney, Central Intake and works in AppalReD Legal Aid’s Prestonsburg office. Katie can be reached at katiem@ardfky.org or 606-886-3876 est.1525. Katie has advised clients in all types of cases that AppalReD Legal Aid handles. She has particular expertise in bankruptcy and family law. Katie joined AppalReD Legal after three years in private practice handling primarily bankruptcy and domestic cases. Katie is a graduate of the Appalachian School of Law.
Hazard Staff
Devon Skeens

Miles Devon Skeens is the Directing Attorney at AppalReD Legal Aid's Hazard office. He can be reached at devons@ardfky.org and (606) 439-2315. Devon is a graduate of Northern Kentucky University, The Johns Hopkins University, and the Brandeis School of Law at the University of Louisville. He was a member of Teach for America and taught high school in Baltimore City, Maryland before becoming a lawyer. During law school, Devon was a published Member of the University of Louisville Law Review and a Member of the Ackerson Law Clinic assisting victims of Domestic Violence. He was one of three students selected in a nationwide search for the coveted Summer Associate position at the New York City Office of the Appellate Defender, where he argued in front of the New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division. After law school, Devon developed extensive experience in family law, education law, general civil litigation, and appellate advocacy--both as a Staff Attorney with AppalReD from 2018-2020 and as a private practitioner from 2020-2023. He has continued to teach as an Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of Louisville and has argued before the Kentucky Court of Appeals and the Kentucky Supreme Court.
Monica Rice Smith
Monica Rice-Smith is a Staff Attorney at AppalReD Legal Aid's Hazard office. She can be reached at monicar@ardfky.org and (606) 439-2315 ext. 6003. Monica joined AppalReD Legal Aid after several years as an administrative law judge (ALJ) in the Kentucky Department of Worker Claims. Prior to her service as an ALJ, Monica practiced in law in Hyden, KY and worked for several years as Assistant Leslie County Attorney. Monica ia a graduate of Transylvania University and the Chase College of Law.
Emma Jones

Emma Jones is a Staff Attorney at AppalReD Legal Aid's Hazard office. She can be reached at emmaj@ardfky.org and (606) 302-9112. Emma joined AppalReD Legal Aid after 18 years as a Public Defender. She is passionate about working with families and the elderly in all types of cases that AppalReD handles. Emma graduated from Appalachian School of Law where she is also now an adjunct professor. Before her career in law, she spent many years as an advocate for the elderly and disabled.
Low Income Tax Clinic Staff
Richmond Staff
Stephanie Flanary

Stephanie Flanary is the Directing Attorney at AppalReD Legal Aid’s Richmond office and the Director of the Low Income Tax Clinic. Stephanie can be reached at stephanief@ardfky.org or 859-624-1394 ext. 3001. Stephanie has represented clients in all types of cases that AppalReD Legal Aid handles. She has particular expertise in bankruptcy, family and expungement law. Stephanie joined AppalReD Legal after working for the State of Maine as a program coordinator for homeless programs. Stephanie is a graduate of the University of Maine School of Law and Berea College.
Cindy Glass

Cindy Glass is a Staff Attorney at AppalReD Legal Aid’s Richmond office. Cindy can be reached at cindyg@ardfky.org or 859-624-1394, ext. 3007. Cindy represents clients who are victims of crime in all types of cases that AppalReD Legal Aid handles. Cindy joined AppalReD following a career in Higher Education as a Sociology professor, where she specialized in social inequalities and criminology. Cindy is a graduate of Old Dominion University, the University of Kentucky and the Salmon P. Chase College of Law at Northern Kentucky University. As a student at Chase, she volunteered with Street Law, an educational diversion program for at-risk youth. Cindy is a native of Carter County, Kentucky.
Leigh Ann Moore

Leigh Ann Moore is a Senior Project Renew Staff Attorney at AppalReD Legal Aid’s Richmond office. Leigh Ann can be reached at leighannm@ardfky.org or 859-624-1394, ext. 3014. Leigh Ann represents clients in a variety of cases that AppalReD Legal Aid handles, including family law, domestic violence, bankruptcy, social security, and public benefits cases. Leigh Ann joined AppalReD Legal Aid after her graduation from Florida Coastal School of Law in 2011, after receiving her undergraduate degree from Lindsey Wilson College.
Caleb Pittman

Caleb Pittman is a Senior Staff Attorney in AppalReD Legal Aid’s Richmond office. He can be reached at 859-624-1394 ext. 3015 or calebp@ardfky.org. Caleb has represented clients who are victims of crimes in all types of cases that AppalReD Legal Aid handles. He has particular expertise in family law. Caleb oversees the annual Domestic Violence and Elder Abuse Awareness Conference. Caleb joined AppalReD Legal Aid after working as a public defender for the Kentucky Department of Public Advocacy. Caleb is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, where he was the editor in chief for the Law Review. Outside of his work at AppalReD Legal Aid, Caleb is a member of the Berea Makerspace (a community workshop where members share knowledge and tools to promote creative projects) and a devoted caretaker of two mixed-breed dogs.
Margaret Sites

Margaret Sites is a Staff Attorney at AppalReD Legal Aid’s Richmond office. Margaret can be reached at margarets@ardfky.org or 859-624-1394 ext. 3009. Margaret has represented clients in all types of cases that AppalReD Legal Aid handles. She has particular expertise in housing and consumer law. Margaret joined AppalReD Legal Aid after graduating from the University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law, where she clerked at the Legal Aid Society in Louisville.
Prestonsburg Staff
Kristie M. Goff

Kristie M. Goff is Directing Attorney at AppalReD Legal Aid’s Prestonsburg location. Kristie can be reached at kristieg@ardfky.org; (606) 886-3876, Ext. 1604; or (606) 437-3446. Kristie M. Goff has represented clients in all types of cases that AppalReD Legal Aid handles. She has particular expertise in consumer law, public benefits and housing cases, and is a HUD certified housing counselor. Kristie M. Goff joined AppalReD Legal Aid after six years of private legal practice. Kristie M. Goff is a graduate of Salmon P. Chase College of Law.
Whitney Bailey

Whitney Bailey is the Disaster Resource Attorney at AppalReD Legal Aid’s Prestonsburg office. Whitney can be reached at whitneyb@ardfky.org or by phone at (606) 889-1963. Whitney provides legal services to residents of eastern Kentucky counties directly impacted by the July 2022 flooding a with a focus on direct representation in FEMA, Small Business Administration, and NFIP matters. She also works to connect flood survivors with local Long Term Recovery Groups and other community organizations that are able to assist with unmet needs and ongoing recovery efforts. Prior to joining AppalReD, Whitney managed a solo civil law firm for two years in Lexington, Kentucky and focused her practice on Guardianship, Elder Law and Estate Planning, Family Law, and Real Estate. Whitney is a graduate of the University of Kentucky and Robert H. McKinney School of Law in Indianapolis, Indiana. For the foreseeable future, Whitney will be serving as a Disaster Resource Attorney to meet the urgent and immediate needs of clients who were impacted from the devastating flooding.
Stephanie Coleman

Stephanie Coleman is a Legal Assistance to Victims Attorney at ApplalReD Legal Aid’s Prestonsburg Office. She can be reached at stephaniec@ardfky.org or by phone at 606-886-3876, ext. 1605. Stephanie is an Eastern Kentucky native who loves living and practicing in the region she calls home. Stephanie has been an attorney for 8+ years and has made it her mission to help those who feel as if they do not have a voice such as minors, elders, and victims of Domestic Violence.
Candice Messer

Candice Messer is a Staff Attorney at AppalReD Legal Aid’s Prestonsburg office. Candice can be reached at candicem@ardfky.org; (606) 886-3876 ext. 1626. Prior to joining AppalReD Legal Aid, Candice was an analyst for the Kentucky legislature. She also has experience working on domestic violence and family law cases with Legal Aid of the Bluegrass. Candice joined AppalReD after moving back to the Appalachian area where she grew up. She is a graduate of the University of Kentucky College of Law, where she was on the Moot Court Board and a member of the Appalachian Law Caucus.
Casey Michalovic
Casey Michalovic is Project Director of Project Renew. She is based in the Prestonsburg office. Casey can be reached at (606) 886-3876, Ext.1639, or caseym@ardfky.org. Casey joined AppalReD Legal Aid after working in private civil practice. Prior to that, she worked for several years as a public defender for the Kentucky Department of Public Advocacy. Casey is a graduate of Pikeville College and Salmon P. Chase College of Law. While in law school, Casey worked for a summer as a law clerk in AppalReD Legal Aid’s Prestonsburg office.
Travis Tackett
Travis Tackett is a Staff Attorney at AppalReD Legal Aid’s Prestonsburg office. Travis can be reached at TravisT@ardfky.org or by phone at 6060-886-3876, ext. 1638. Travis is a graduate of the Appalachian School of Law and Morehead State University. Travis enjoys volunteering at local food pantries and more recently, has been helping with disaster relief efforts in his spare time.
Courtney Taylor
Courtney Taylor is a Legal Assistance to Victims Attorney at AppalReD Legal Aid’s Prestonsburg office. Courtney can be reached at courtneyt@ardfky.org or by phone at 6060-886-3876, ext. 1625. Prior to joining AppalReD Legal Aid, Courtney worked as an Unemployment Insurance Appeals Referee for the Office of Unemployment and as a Law Clerk for the Department of Public Advocacy. Courtney is a graduate of the University of Pikeville and the University of Kentucky College of Law.
Somerset Staff
Amber Shewmake
Amber Shewmake is the Directing Attorney at AppalReD Legal Aid’s Somerset office. Amber can be reached at amberd@ardfky.org or (606) 679-7313, ext. 7206. Amber has represented clients in all types of cases that AppalReD Legal Aid handles. She has a particular interest in public benefit cases and helping to provide safety and stability for all clients. Amber joined AppalReD Legal Aid after law school but has prior experience assisting on a variety of cases including tax, wills & estates and criminal defense. Amber received her undergraduate degrees from The University of Kentucky and obtained her Juris Doctorate from Charlotte School of Law.
Alison Adkins
Alison Adkins is the Victims of Crime Act Attorney at AppalReD Legal Aid’s Somerset office. Alison can be reached at alisona@ardfky.org or (606) 679-7313, ext. 7217.Alison has represented clients in all types of cases that AppalReD Legal Aid handles. She has a particular interest in domestic violence cases. Alison joined AppalReD Legal Aid after law school but has prior experience as a law clerk with the Institute for Compassion in Justice and the Children's Law Center. Alison received her undergraduate degrees from Georgetown University and obtained her Juris Doctorate from the University of Kentucky J. David Rosenberg College of Law.
Jimmy Fahringer
Jimmy Fahringer is a Senior Staff Attorney in AppalReD Legal Aid’s Somerset office. He can be reached at (606) 679-7313 ext. 7208, or jamesf@ardfky.org. Jimmy represents clients in all types of cases that AppalReD handles. He has substantial experience in consumer law and housing law, including representing tenants and homeowners in evictions and foreclosures. He is a HUD certified Housing Counselor, meaning that he can help clients make plans for major housing related decisions. Prior to his career in law, Jimmy worked as a lobster packer for five years. He joined AppalReD Legal in 2018 after graduating from the University of Michigan School of Law.
Erica Fields
Erica Fields is a Disaster Response Attorney based in the Somerset office. Erica can be reached at 606-679-7313 ext. 7202 or ericaf@ardfky.org. Erica was born and raised in Somerset, KY. She received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Louisville and a Juris Doctorate from Indiana University Maurer School of Law in Bloomington, IN. After law school, Erica returned to Somerset to work as a public defender. She then practiced law in small firms until joining the Disaster Response Team at AppalReD Legal Aid. Erica will travel across AppalRed’s entire service area as needed for disaster client service and outreach. Erica is a proud mama to a Corgi and two cats. She loves spending time with her parents.
Michelle Fisher
Michelle Fisher is a Senior Legal Assistance to Victims Attorney at AppalReD Legal Aid’s Somerset office. Michelle can be reached at michellef@ardfky.org or 606-679-7313 ext. 7209. Michelle has represented clients in all types of cases that AppalReD Legal Aid handles. They have particular expertise in domestic violence and family law. Michelle joined AppalReD Legal Aid after clerking at the Independent Police Monitor in New Orleans. Michelle is a graduate of Loyola University New Orleans College of Law. Along with their work at AppalReD Legal Aid, Michelle actively participates in Pulaski County Operation UNITE Coalition, and PFLAG.
Seneka Land
Seneka Land is a Senior Staff Attorney at AppalReD Legal Aid’s Somerset office. Seneka can be reached at senekal@ardfky.org or 606-679-7313 ext. 7208. Seneka has represented clients in all types of cases that AppalReD Legal Aid handles. He has particular expertise in family law, protective orders, and estate planning. Seneka joined AppalReD Legal Aid after spending time as a solo practitioner. He is a graduate of Western Michigan Law School. Along with his work at AppalReD Legal Aid, Seneka actively participates in programs focused on children’s literacy and feeding the homeless.
Volunteer Lawyers for Appalachian Kentucky (VLAK) Staff
Charnel Burton
Charnel Burton is the Pro Bono Director of AppalReD Legal Aid. Charnel can be reached at 606-886-3876, ext. 1315 or charnelb@ardfky.org. Charnel has represented clients in all types of cases that AppalReD Legal Aid handles. She has particular expertise in family, eviction, and administrative law. Charnel joined AppalReD Legal Aid after 7 years in private practice. She worked for several years as the Directing Attorney in the Hazard office. Charnel is a graduate of University of Kentucky College of Law.
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