Veterans Clinic in Somerset
Free help with most legal issues. Simply request an application at the front desk of the VA Center. Provide the front desk with your name and a contact number, complete the application, and bring it back with you at the next clinic date.Clinics:Febru...
Clark County Pro Se Family Law Clinic
Are you feeling overwhelmed by how to do a self-help divorce? Register for our February 22 clinic in Winchester, KY and at the end of the day you'll have paperwork ready to file! You will meet one-on-one with a pro bono volunteer who will answer ques...
Veterans Clinic in Somerset
Free help with most legal issues. Simply request an application at the front desk of the VA Center. Provide the front desk with your name and a contact number, complete the application, and bring it back with you at the next clinic date.Clinics:March...
Domestic Violence and Elder Abuse Awareness Conference
Mark your calendar for the 2025 Domestic Violence and Elder Abuse Awareness Conference. On September 19, 2025 we will once again gather virtually to learn, connect, and grow in our efforts to support survivors of domestic violence and elder abuse. Ju...